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   big phone bill
Sunday, September 24 2000
I finally got around to looking at my phone bill today and it was a complete shocker. $480. It turns out that all the calls my AOL Dialer had been making to Compton (which is within my 310 area code) had been long distance. I have no idea what to do; I'm in a state of panic. How does one contest phone bills resulting from this sort of mistake? If you have any suggestions, please post to my messageboard or write me directly. Argh! This has been a shitty, shitty week. I just want to craw into a hole and cry.

Once I found out about the huge phone bill situation, I had no interest in doing anything at all. I was so depressed I just wanted to go to bed at 7pm. But when housemate John came home, my mood lifted significantly, especially after he assured me that these sorts of pickles (my phone bill) can always be dealt with, it just takes time and persistence. He says he's weasled out of phone charges several times before.
I ended up mustering enough drive and fortitude to redesign the Vodkatea home page. It's gradually becoming a genuine web site.

Help! My phone bill is too big! What do I do?

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