Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   uncooled subway car
Monday, August 13 2001
When the red-line subway train came rolling up to the 14th Street platform this evening I winced at how desperately crowded it was. But the car stopping closest to me had many fewer people in it, always an indication of an air-conditioning problem. Still, I was perfectly willing to sacrifice the comfort of air conditioning for a little breathing room. I'd put a little too much garlic on my dinner slice of pizza and wasn't eager to fumigate strangers all the way back to Brooklyn. For part of the ride, one of the passengers stood at the front of the car holding the door to the next car open so air in the tunnel could blow through.
For the early part of the ride there was a bearded, yarmulka-wearing youngish man standing near me holding a printout of what looked like semi-formatted computer data (not code). I glanced up to the the back of the man's head and saw an angry pink ridge of boiling, flaking skin running almost unnoticeably along his rear hairline just below the ornate fringe of the yarmulka. Then I looked down to his shoulders and saw hundreds of flakes of skin scattered across his shirt. I wondered if there was any relation between those computer printouts he was studying and his skin condition.

My latest toy is a Kyocera Samurai 2100DG camera, which arrived via UPS today. It's a fairly affordable 2.1 megapixel digital camera shaped a little like a camcorder, and after some adjustment to its peculiarities, I found myself shooting lots of cute pictures of the various furry animals stretched out or cavorting across the floor. I'm all worked-up about this camera; it's the first still camera I've bought in over three years; my last camera was a Panasonic Coolshot (an early digital camera costing about the same) which, though small and sleuthy, lacked a zoom lens and flashbulb and took much murkier, grainier pictures (many of which you have seen jarringly embedded in these pages). By the way, I've conclusively tied my fortunes to the future of Compact Flash storage, forever estranged from SmartMediaTM, SmartSticks, Rutabaga Storage®, FerricCoreMemory Panels, Stone Tablets® and TinyTurboTinsTM; all my portable digital devices use Compact Flash and do so nearly interchangeably.

You can probably guess that mine is the top shelf.

warning in advance: this might be considered excessive

Left to right: Sally the Dog, Noah the Regal and Edna the Contortionist.


Sally and Edna.



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