Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   paper layerest
Thursday, August 16 2001 [REDACTED]
It's interesting that during this ongoing workplace internet outage my work habits bear the unmistakeable marks of someone used to working with continuous access to large amounts of varied information. But the information I'm looking at now isn't on my computer screen at all; it's in the form of several books and papers physically laid out on my genuine brick and mortar desktop. I read a few pages of James Michener's Caravans and when that begins to bore me, I thumb through the more interesting parts of the Flash 5 Bible. Then suddenly it occurs to me that there's some escrow work necessary for the sale of my LA condo, and I fill out the form and put it in an envelope. Or I sign off on some official workplace papers that define my employment status for the next several months. This sort of constantly-interrupted progress on several different projects simultaneously (pre-emptive multitasking, if you will) has defined my work style for the past four or five years.

In the evening Gretchen and I watched Party Girl, an unexpectedly smart and entertaining flick about a chick (played by Parker Posy) with the skills and desires of a Bathtubgirl, caught as all such chicks are in the ongoing crisis of young adulthood: eviction, poor financial planning, and imperfect romantic and career choices. My favorite line from the movie is, naturally enough, "I would like a nice, powerful, mind-altering substance. Preferably one that will make my unborn children, grow gills." This is about as good as a line in the mostly unwatchable Spike Lee DVD movie we tried to sit through earlier this evening, Mo' Better Blues. That line went, "I'm so horny I'd fuck the crack of dawn."
Sometime after that Jesika, my real estate agent in Los Angeles, called with the unfortunate news that termites had been detected in my building and the warranty on their eradication had expired only a few days ago. Another $550 down the drain, but the good news is that my first-ever real estate sale closes on Tuesday, at which point my bank account will swell to a hitherto-unprecedented size.

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