Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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decay & ruin
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dead malls
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appropriate tech
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Backwoods Home
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   star-shaped leaves
Saturday, October 13 2001

In the morning we were joined by Ray and Nancy and their dog Suzy. We four human beings left the dogs and cats back at the house and walked around to various places in Park Slope, stopping first at Ozzie's on 7th Avenue for coffee (since we'd run out). Gretchen had given me the choice of New World Coffee or Ozzie's (but not, of course, Starbucks), and for me the decision was simple. Extending a heavy metal salute, I roared "Ozzy's!" from the back of my throat. I'd never been in Ozzie's before, but soon learned from Gretchen and Ray that it has a reputation for being unkempt.
Next we walked up to the farmer's market at Grand Army Plaza and bought a number of items, including grapes and chunks of expensive fermented cheese.

In the late afternoon, Gretchen and I walked Sally in Prospect Park's Vale of Cashmere, keeping an eye open for star-shaped leaves. Gretchen was especially interested in the difference between Sweet Gum and various Maples, but while we were looking we managed collect an unexpected diversity of leaves:

Back at the brownstone, I saw that the Ukraine was finally taking responsibility for the accidental downing of a commercial jet over the Black Sea. I believe the term they used was "My bad."

In the evening, David the Rabbi and his girlfriend Elana came over and we sat around watching Free to Be You and Me, the classic Seasame Streetesque movie instructing children and their parents to tolerate gender-role diversity. Elana is currently working with a producer from the original Free to Be You and Me, and there is apparently a plan afoot to make a modern version. Elana was interested in what contemporary musicians should be asked to contribute, and Gretchen lobbied hard for Macy Gray. Macy Gray is a lot more today than, say, Carly Simon (whose name has been circulating around Elana's office). For those not paying attention, Carly Simon is a lot less today than even Michæl Jackson, who appeared in the original.
My own personal memories of Free to Be You and Me are lost in the fog of early childhood, and I hadn't remembered that Jackson was one of its musicians. More ironic than anything Alanis Morissette ever sang about was the fact that young Michæl's song focused on the theme of friendship transcending conformity to appearance. He sang "We don't have to change at all" with all the heartbreaking conviction of youth.

Later on, as always happens at our place, we all sat around playing endless rounds of Boggle Deluxe.

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