fries in boxes Wednesday, March 16 2011
Today was Nancy's birthday, her husband Ray was at work, and Gretchen didn't want her to have to celebrate alone. So we came over in the evening with two orders of french fries from the Hurley Mountain Inn (one plain, the other curly). We don't normally do much commerce with HMI; they were, after all, early adopters of the term "freedom fries" back in 2003, and they're famous for the Christmas bonus they give to their Hispanic kitchen staff: a single bottle of tequila to split among themselves. Still, they make good french fries, and they're conveniently located. Our connection with HMI and its customer base is so tenuous that Gretchen hadn't even bothered with changing out of her slobby around-the-house cat-fur-bespeckled pajamas before running in to retrieve the fries.
Over at Ray and Nancy's house, the three of us watched the second half of the grand finalé of The Bachelor, wherein the irritatingly-wholesome blonde won the dopey-yet-hunky grand prize (or, I suppose, the other way around). This was actually Nancy's second viewing of this episode; I suppose the ordeal was worth it for our color commentary. After that we watched a follow-up show called The Bachelor: After the Rose, wherein our lovebirds are allowed to see each other for the first time in public since production. Understandably, they'd had to embargo their relationship as the rest of America caught up. Still, not all was peaches and cream; the wholesome blond had been watching the roll-out of the show during this embargoed time and had become increasingly distressed to watch her now-promised husband playing coy about his intentions and living it up with the other ladies as even they're gradually eliminated. Amusingly, the After the Rose show was filmed in front of a large studio audience comprised mostly of women, all of whom were clearly fanatical about the show. To watch their gasping non-ironic responses to every nuance of what the new couple said was a whole additional layer of entertainment. Some season they should film the After the Rose in front of an audience comprised mostly of Guses, Gretchens, Nancies, a handful of RayRays, and perhaps a half dozen Deborahs.
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