springlike inertia Saturday, March 19 2011
As I lay in bed this morning (down in the Gunther room in the basement for some reason) I thought about things I could make when the 74HC154 four-to-sixteen line decoders arrive from Mouser electronics. I'll be getting three of them, but with just two I can fan five signals out into 32 signals. That's a lot of LEDs. That got me thinking about that weird LED clock I fixed a couple years ago for our friend Susan the German translator. That reminded me: Susan had left a message on our machine saying she was up from the city, staying at our friend Julia's house in West Hurley. Normally Gretchen handles all our household social networking, but it seemed she'd dropped the ball on this one, so I arranged to have Susan come over.
The thing is, Susan actually has more in common with Gretchen than she does with me. When they went off in some tangent discussing a book they'd read, an actual piece of modern literature, my eyes glazed over. I didn't really feel like I was part of the conversation until Susan mentioned the medicines she'd tried on her cat, including a homeopathic one. "You should have tried it for a trillionth of a second," I suggested.
The day was considerably colder than yesterday, with high temperatures not even reaching into the 50s. Still, the birds maintained the inertia of their springlike ebullience, filling the crisp air with song. And some of our warm weather cats, the ones that normally only go outside in warm weather, continued going outside today (Marie, aka "the Baby" being the most comic example).
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