possibilities of a single transistor Friday, March 7 2003
The rubber-band-and-pulley drive system for my disco ball makes all sorts of subtle little moans, coos, and sighs as it operates. At first I didn't know the origins of these sounds and thought they might be heating-system related.
My new laboratory seems to have me more confused and flustered than I'd expected. I have so many capabilites in this place that I'm having trouble finding one to focus on. I end up dabbling in things - arraying extra-high output LEDs at my disco ball, removing magnets and aluminum platters from ancient hard drives, and seeing how well obsolete computer display technologies work with modern Pentium computers (answer: pretty damn well). I want to build some sort of weird technogeek sculpture full of lights, sound, and movement, but the options are so unlimited (and my desire to keep them that way is so strong) that I can't get started. At this point I'd probably be stymied by the possibilities of a single transistor, let alone endless deskspace and a pile of functional video cards and Pentium motherboards.
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