old policy of quizzing Friday, March 14 2003
There's a sign prominently displayed next to the cash register in all Radio Shacks these days. This sign proclaims a new policy whereby Radio Shack will no longer insist on taking address and phone number information from customers. Evidently they ran a focus group and found that people were uncomfortable with the process of having this information extracted from them. The old policy of quizzing me about where I live and the specifics of my phone number was occasionally the deciding factor not to shop at Radio Shack. The only real attraction of the place is how easy it is to shoplift there.
Radio Shack has yet to discontinue its policy of aggressively (and patronizingly) asking customers how they can be helped. I was there today to "pick up" some jumbo 5000 mcd LEDs and the woman running the cashier was so swamped with the needs of a typical customer (and so sure I required help) that she went into the back and recruited an additional staffer who had perhaps been taking a nap or playing Grand Theft Auto.
This evening there was a plan for me to maybe "go out dancing" with Mary Purdy and several other of Gretchen's girlfriends. But when the time came for me to actually go, I was so immersed in project that I canceled. I was using CoolEdit Pro 2000 as an n-track multitrack studio and finding it much more responsive than other applications I've used in the past (such as Cakewalk). I could lay down three different drum tracks from my drum machine and they'd all be in sync enough but subtly different in a way that made interesting and unexpected rhythms. The plan was to mute these drum tracks in different parts of a song so as to simulate the behaviors of a non-robotic drummer. The problem came when I started recording with my guitar. I made the mistake of not using headphones and the pickups on my guitar were sensitive enough to pick up the drums and lump them together all on one track.
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