Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   the easy kind of bluestone
Thursday, September 25 2014
Powered partly by pseudoephedrine (I like to pronounce the "p" in "pseudo"), I broke up and removed many buckets of rock from the greenhouse excavation. After removing that last unexpected layer of bluestone, I found a similar one just beneath it. Though it's a little harder to extract than shale, I'm actually happier digging through thin-bed bluestone. When it's thinner than about four inches thick, the jackhammer has no trouble finding and exploiting cracks, and the resulting pieces tend to be bigger and less fragile than shale pieces. The bluestone pieces also tend to lack the treacherously-sharp edges often found in shattered shale. Another advantage of bluestone is that it is much more useful as a material. About all I can do with shale is use it as rubble fill. Bluestone, on the other hand (and as we all know), can be used to build walls and pathways.

Early this evening, Gretchen and I drove to Rick's Wood Fired Pizza in Woodstock, where we had dinner with Jenny and Doug[REDACTED]. It was so early in the evening that we were the only diners there for a good ten or fifteen minutes, as if we'd come for that early bird special. There are, of course, no such specials at Rick's, where the pizza is made with all-organic premium ingredients and comes with at a correspondingly premium price. We were sworn to secrecy about much of what was discussed over dinner, and for much of the conversation I had little to contribute. I tucked into my vegan variant of the 'Shrooms pizza with alarming speed and sucked down two pints of Lagunitas IPA. (By the way, I'm a little puzzled by why, of all restaurants, it is the places specializing in pizza that seem to have been the earliest participants in the East Coast arrival of the IPA revolution.)

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