Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
linksdecay & ruin got that wrong appropriate tech fun social media stuff Like asecular.com (nobody does!) Like my brownhouse: |
2014 January - Fahrenheit Willow Thai La Florentina Ulster Avenue MP3 Walter Accord Ramona Panel WHM Coyote Beers Gold Rush Broadway Rihanna Project Cat Black Locust Guided Voices IndianFebruary - Hudson Valley KMOCA Bulls Quarry Anthony Albany Italian Facebook Valentines Rhinebeck Baby Polar Vortex Gutenberg March - Indian Chinese Babymetal Meade True Detective Obamacare American Grasse Tyson Darwinian Neil Droid Naked Afraid Photoshop April - Spring Ice Cold Howard Kunstler Box Rock Shop Brooklyn Civic Hybrid City IV Hannaford Uptown African Americans Cliven Bundy Fargo World Chipotle Sarah Vegan West May - Adobe Illustrator IPA Catskill Mountain Pizza Mayo Windows Stockade Tavern Ferns Columbine Mykrosarft Microsoft Dylanesque Bearsville Theatre Wappingers Falls June - AC Halt Catch Fire Susan David Check Rabe Park Charlottesville Victorian Catskills Elka Delaware New Paltz Ash Mormon Gypsy Moth Greenworks July - Subaru Google Palinville Lake Hill Upstate Beasts Madison Square Oru IY Bull Socket LGA Stone Ridge Celeste Botched County SPCA Bittorrent August - AppData Linux Christian Dug Road Oscar Rockbox Los Angeles Jersey Fussies Kitten Key Peele WNBA Falafel DSL September - Ray Decker Dolgeville NY Falls Garlic Festival Edward Adirondack Lakes Grease Cottekill October - Wall Street Palenville Chrome Club Helsinki Helskinki Git APP Tacos Zaborski T Lowes November - Republican Senate Mitch McConnell Fawcett Predator BC Florida PVC Amazon AWS Atlantic Ocean Network Attached Storage Outdated Carrie China USB CRT LCD X Gillette Fusion Honda KVM Slope Prius December - Podder Longhi Nancy WordPress AS VAX AMD K6 Intel Core Duo Deborah Chanukah Independence Day Jeep Colbert Report Koreans The Interview Chris |