Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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got that wrong

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   dispel with this fiction
Saturday, February 6 2016
It was a partly-sunny, cold Saturday, an ideal one for drinking actual coffee (the kind containing caffeine) in front of a burning stove full of salvaged firewood.
Early this afternoon, I went firewood salvaging for the first time since the February 3rd rains. To gather wood that would be as dry as possible, I looked for a dead tree to cut down. Not far from the Stick Trail (and only about 200 feet south of the Chamomile), I found a previously-overlooked dead Chestnut Oak stem. It wasn't exactly skeletonized; it still had lots of bark and a think punky layer of rotten sapwood. Though small, I had to be careful as I dropped it, since it could have easily killed me. As it was, it snapped in half on the way down and sent its top half back towards the stump, near where I had been standing a second before. The whole thing weighed about 110 pounds, though I only brought home 98.9 of those. Some pieces were just too punky to be credible.

Tonight [REDACTED] I watched the Republican debate on my computer, mostly as a framework for commiserating about the spectacle with Sara Poiron (who is deathly afraid of Ted Cruz). Tonight's shit show was remarkable for the spanking delivered to young Marco Rubio by the galootish governor from New Jersey, Chris Christie, and the seeming malfunction it seemed to cause to Rubio's pullcord-based microcontroller. As if drowning, Rubio repeatedly reached for his small set of talking points in hopes of pulling himself to safety. One would have had to have had a very short memory not to notice that he'd begun four times with a variation on the well-rehearsed line "Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing." It was cringe-inducing. Hopefully, it will kill the bounce he came from his unexpectedly-good third-place showing in the Iowa Caucus. Mind you, this wasn't the first time I'd noticed the shallowness of Marco Rubio's well of talking points. It's just the first time he had it rubbed in his face. Chris Christie is almost certainly a horrible human being, but tonight he actually did something good for humanity.

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