Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   leaking tahini everywhere
Friday, September 22 2017
I wanted to work on my long-in-the-works templating system today, and I did make some good progress. But then there was a minor front-end crisis and Nicole (the senior frontend developer) was taking a much-needed day off (and I didn't want to bother her), so I coordinated the fix, which was researched and implemented by our newest frontend developer (my job was mostly to provide consultation as well approve and deploy the code).
Later it turned out the email server wasn't sending email, a problem I managed to diagnose as the redeclaration of a PHP function, a bug introduced as a result of a code deployment undertaken by the only other person on staff who does kind of what I do. By then it was eight o'clock and Eva and Sandor were visiting Gretchen in the bedroom, so I quit for the day. This involved ignoring a video conference invitation concerning what sounded like an interpersonal workplace grievance that arrived after 8:00pm on a Friday. (That's just rude!)
While Gretchen and I caught up our visitors on Gretchen's sickness and my recent antics with marijuana, I took advantage of the social nature of the occasion by drinking a beer, though I was the only one drinking. Eva and Sandor told us how repairs have been going on their Maverick Road house, which had been abandoned for over a year. They're hoping to deal with all the rot and shoddiness so they can either rent it out or sell it for a reasonable return. In other news, they reported that their oldest cat Piggy has been diagnosed with some sort of cancer. A tumor from the cancer had damaged an important nerve to one Piggy's front legs, causing her to have to hobble around. Eva and Sandor have opted to give Piggy chemotherapy, which involves multiple treatments and occasional MRIs down in Yonkers. They insist Piggy is comfortable and happy, though it didn't really sound that way to me, since she's reportedly taken to spending a lot of time hiding in dark places (she used to be the friendliest and most social of their cats).
Eva and Sandor had brought over a bunch of pita-and-falafel sandwich making supplies form Falafel Cathy, and I made myself a pita sandwich soon after Eva and Sandor left. Though it was made of the same ingredients, my sandwich wasn't nearly as good as the ones Falafel Cathy and her staff make. Their talent is stuffing and distributing the ingredients inside the pita bread, something I have not mastered (my poor half-full pita had a bad rip in the side and was leaking tahini everywhere).

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