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Like my brownhouse:
   low rent malt liquor supermarkets
Thursday, May 24 2001
I'm drinking King Cobra malt liquor tonight. Ever since that day when John and I pushed the water-fueled Punch Buggy Rust to the gas station, we've both been fetishizing malt liquor. King Cobra isn't nearly as good as Old English (it's noticeably harsher and less sweet), but it was the only kind I could get at the nearby Albertsons supermarket in Santa Monica when I went on a malt liquor run last night (prior to another of John's quickly-prepared meals). I normally don't shop at Albertsons because I can find most of what I want either at the high-rent Ralphs on Wilshire or at the low-rent Smart & Final on Santa Monica. But Ralphs is too high rent to even sell malt liquor and everything at Smart & Final is warm, so, unless I wanted overprice convenience store brew, I had to go to Albertsons instead. Albertsons is definitely on the low-rent end of the grocery store spectrum. Any grocery store that feels the need to drug test its employees (as Albertsons does) is definitely not chi-chi. What's more, the matronly-Mexican-woman-with-three-screaming-kids-to-hot-Persian-chick-with-a-nice-ass ratio is much higher at Albertsons than it is at the Ralphs. But Albertsons does sell 32 ounce bottles of cold King Cobra for $1.59, and I'm rather enjoying mine now, especially as confident as I am that it hadn't been shelved by a druggie.

In other news, for the past two days I've been reverse-engineering some technology from my workplace to get it to work in an entirely new context. It's been something of a big complex puzzle. The sleuthwork was going so well that I was almost disappointed to find fairly good documentation about the system while I was at work this morning. But to determine the secret key for an encryption algorithm I had to do some serious code slinging. The satisfaction, though, was in the results.

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