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Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   casters versus wheelchair wheels
Wednesday, December 17 2008
There was snow on the ground and I'd assigned myself some indoor website work, so the greenhouse would have to languish. This evening, though, I assembled a sort of giant handtruck out of two by fours and wheels in the hopes that it would help me to move the three massive panes of insulated glass from the garage down to the greenhouse. My original plan was to use wheelchair wheels (which are 24 inches in diameter), but I'd made the frame of my wooden handtruck too narrow, and the 46 inch wide panes of glass would rub against such large wheels rising through its plane. So I ended up using tiny two inch casters instead. The advantage of wheelchair wheels is that they can negotiate extremely rough terrain. When you're rolling on casters, though, you don't want to run across anything much rougher than a tennis court. But I figured that if I was pulling the "handtruck" instead of pushing it, it might be able to get across the relatively-even terrain between Dug Hill Road and the greenhouse. It would certainly help that the ground is now conclusively frozen, at least for the top couple inches. As bad as casters are on rough terrain, they're ten times worse in mud.

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