Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   study aids: amphetamines with kratom
Wednesday, July 6 2016
Hanging over my head for the past two weeks has been the revisions to my two-year-old architectural drawings of the solar and laboratory deck, which now actually have to be signed off on by a structural engineer before we can get a mortgage on this house (and thus pay Gretchen's parents back for a bridge loan). The structural engineer had said he wanted me to add the specifics of the major fasteners (those would be carriage and lag bolts), and I'd been procrastinating on that unpleasant job, though it hasn't been like I haven't been doing important or even essential work. This morning I wouldn't be going to to the brick mansion, so Gretchen suggested I "take some adderall" and finish the job. More importantly, she gave me a deadline of tomorrow morning. I have to really love what I'm doing to do it without a deadline motivating me. So I ground up 25 milligrams of the time-release stuff, mixed it with hot water, and drank it directly from the mortar (as I always do, unless the drug is Vyvanse). I then spent a couple hours before work adding red representations of fasteners to my diagram, labeling them with little bracketed numbers to be looked up in a legend.
My main workday discovery was that some data simply cannot be edited in phpMyAdmin. It can be edited in forms with the parameter accept-charset="UTF-8," but phpMyAdmin renders the data garbled. And if one enters text from non-Latin alphabets using phpMyAdmin, it ends up garbled. When I built my own tool for editing the data in question (strings of text in various languages detailing how to unsubscribe from an email list, to be put at the bottom of emails), it could be displayed and edited without any problem.
By late in the afternoon, I'd added kratom tea to my chemical cocktail, and it seemed to squeeze yet more mental focus from the dwindling amphetamine salts in my system. Before darkness descended, I returned to the architectural drawings. (I needed daylight in order to confirm my work in a few cases, though at a certain point I had to switch to using a flashlight.) By 10:30, I called it a wrap, zipped up the files, and emailed them to Gretchen.
But I was still wide awake and actually needed help coming down. You know what that means: I bought myself the right to drink alcohol by painting a picture, in this case a skull on a credit card.

But something about the kratom and the ongoing course of doxycycline made alcohol seem vaguely nauseating to me. I could drink my first drink okay (a cocktail of gin and the syrup from a 64 oz can of grapefruit pieces), but I had to abandon my second drink (a bottle of Sierra Nevada Torpedo) with 20% of the beer left in the bottle. I don't usually commit beer crimes, so that's a pretty good indication of how disgusting it had begun to taste for me.

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