Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   handmade Mexican meal for four
Friday, July 8 2016
This morning I looked further into the API break down I'd identified yesterday. By this point I was pretty sure it was the result of some subtle change in server configuration. And since nothing the Organization does actually counts on those contacts making it to the master database, nobody noticed (and none of the servers complained either). Since it seemed likely the API broke down from something my boss Da had done, I decided to communicate with him about it over private channels (in Slack and via email). I never accused him or anything or even asked why it had happened. Just knowing it had happened would be enough to communicate any of that. I just took a proactive "we need to figure out why this is broken and fix it" attitude. After much testing, I determined that the problem was that a secure connection to the API subdomain was now being forwarded (via a 302 forward) to a completely useless location, whereas the non-secure version of the same API URL was not being forwarded. Since the security wasn't properly configured and hadn't been working, it seemed best to just use the non-secure version of the API. There were many sites that needed to be updated to use the new URL, but I handled the major ones. Soon a torrent of contact information was once again pouring into the master database. Of course, now I'm going to have to write a sync script to pull in all those missing records as well.

All afternoon, Gretchen slaved away in the kitchen making a gourmet Mexican meal featuring hand-made corn tortillas, marinaded tempeh, pickled onions, mushroom ceviche, shredded cabbage slaw, and a delicious potato pancake served with two different kinds of sauces (one of which was mostly peanut). Later there would also be a homemade ice This was all for a dinner party of our friends Jeff & Alana (Jeff works as a cameraman for various reality teevee programs and Alana has a poorly-paid job at a community radio station; they share half a duplex Victorian house in Saugerties). Part of the reason Gretchen put so much effort into this meal is that neither Jeff nor Alana are vegan, and Gretchen is a vegan evangelist.
The food was incredible, and I ate four hearty little tacos stuffed with tempeh and cabbage and sauced up with vegan crema and whatever that green sauce Gretchen had made is called.
Later in the living room, we had a long meandering conversation that lasted until after 11:30pm. In the course of this, we learned interesting things about the pot smoking habits of a certain reality teevee celebrity. When filming such people, one has to also smoke pot or the trust of the subject evaporates.
Throughout the entire evening, a downpour raged outside. There was enough rain for me to completely drain the 55 gallon woodshed watertank half-way into the storm and refill it again with just the runoff from the small roof supplying it. (The old water had been contaminated with an excess of Gypsy Moth frass.) I also drained and completely refilled the kiddie pool (mostly using water from the woodshed tank). The rain was so relentless that Jeff and Alana entered and exited our house through the garage, whose entrance was much closer to their vehicle. I also helped by holding an umbrella over Alana while she was outside. (Jeff had another umbrella for himself.)

For linking purposes this article's URL is:

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