Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   Crazy Dave's misdelivered package
Tuesday, July 12 2016
A new UPS woman arrived in a brown UPS truck and dropped off a package. She was already gone before I realized she'd foolishly left a package intended for a street address four less than ours, which is clearly marked in three locations. The other address belonged to the Crazy Dave (though the package was actually addressed to his wife, whom he met through her career as a social worker). Initially I'd planned to call UPS to complain, since this sort of error is the same kind that results in my packages ending up at other people's houses. But when UPS told me my estimated hold time would be six minutes, I hung up, grabbed the package, and headed off to Crazy Dave's house. I took the shortest route possible, which meant that I walked past the greenhouse and then across the ravine separating it from our downhill neighbors. (Crazy Dave's cabin is just north of our downhill neighbor's larger house.) It's tricky and noisy to pick one's way down the rocky west side of the ravine, and doing so drew the attention of the guys working our our downhill neighbor's roof (they'd done the north half a year or so ago and are now doing the south half). "We thought you were a deer!" one of them shouted. "Or a bear," I agreed, after first explaining I was delivering a misdelivered package.
Crazy Dave used to have an Australian Shepherd named Merlin, though evidently Merlin has since died, because there was only one dog out in front of Crazy Dave's cabin, and he or she wasn't friendly like Merlin would've been. He or she barked monotonously at me but never really got too close. I leaned the package against the wheel of a car and then Crazy Dave appeared in the door Rasputin-like to call the dog back, using a name something like "Mooky." I told Dave about the package, and he replied "Oh, okay." That counts as positive from him; anything other than silence or belligerence does.

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