Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   return of the insanity sauce
Sunday, July 24 2016
In the past I've had fun drinking kratom tea and then driving into town and running errands while sipping moderate amounts of beer. So today I painted portrait of the late great Eleanor to buy myself any beer I would be needing for today's errands and then loaded up the dogs and headed for Woodstock. As I have been doing for the past few weeks, I would be delivering Neville to the Golden Notebook so he could spend a half day as a bookstore dog. Once that was done, I headed back towards Kingston on 28, stopping as always at the Tibetan Center gift store. This time I found a good Bissell vaccuum cleaner for $8, and I bought it as something for use only in the laboratory. I also found some other useful bits: a USB extension cord, a USB-to-serial adapter, and a stainless steel fluorescent tube assembly complete with an eighteen inch grow bulb. The best things at the Tibetan Center are often the high-end toys, but the remote-controlled vehicles rarely come with their remote controller. (For the same reason, wireless keyboards and mice are essentially worthless there.)
I continued around the north end of Kingston to the Home Depot out on 9W, where the only thing I really wanted was a rotary tool for enlarging the width of a cylindrical bore. I actually needed it for a piece of PVC so it could hold a telescope lens, though normally such tools are used for making adjustments to engine blocks. Still, not only did Home Depot have no such tool, neither did AutoZone.
By the time I got home, there was a bad interaction going on between the kratom, the alcohol, and perhaps the course of antibiotics I am still on to treat that Lyme-disease rash from earlier in the month. I felt vaguely nauseated and also a little like I had a bad case of acid indigestion, though no amount of antacids seemed to improve the situation.
Still, when Gretchen suggested going to Rock Da Casbah up in Saugerties to meet friends from that vegan family compound up near Palenville, I was eager to go. Once there, we all sat at a big comfortable booth and nearly all six of us ordered the vegan "Hey Jude," that amazing pasta & mushroom dish. I also ordered my usual bowl of chili and that tequila & elderberry flower cocktail I got last time. This was all from force of habit, though, and really all I had the appetite for was the chili. The cocktail seemed to inflame the acid in my gut, and by the time it came, I could only eat a little of the Hey Jude. My lack of appetite was apparent to all, so I pinned the blame squarely on the antibiotics, which meant I had to say something about the Lyme rash. This skeeved out Anne (of Anne & Nemo) and she immediately began searching her legs for bullseyes. When I talk about that diagnosis, some people have no sense of proportion and act as if I've said I've been stricken with inoperable cancer.
Last time Gretchen and I'd come to Rock Da Casbah, I'd accidentally left my tiny bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce. So during the meal when I asked for hot sauce, Judy (the owner, who was serving as our waitress) brought me over an assortment, and sure enough, there was my little bottle in amongst the larger bottles of its foster family. Amusingly, a fair amount had been used in the two weeks since we'd last been here. I asked Judy if anyone had needed to be taken away in an ambulance, and she said no. The proper home of this particular bottle of hot sauce is the glove comparment of the Prius, and that was where it returned at the end of the meal.
As we were getting ready to leave, Gretchen got to talking with Judy about the mac & cheese (which Gretchen thinks is terrible), and so Judy put her in touch with the cook, a laconic white guy who, aside from the look of despair etched in his face, resembled a promising young congressional candidate from New Hampshire. Observing this from a distance, Anne was pretty sure the cook didn't appreciate Gretchen lecturing him about how to prepare vegan food, but she was on a mission and, with Judy sitting there conveying seeming enthusiasm for the advise, she discussed things for a suprisingly long time.
My gut problems continued once we returned home, and I soon crawled into bed.

Today's painting of Eleanor, which I did on a small (3.5 by 2.5 inch) piece of cardboard.

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