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Like my brownhouse:
   habañeros and walnuts
Thursday, November 3 2016
Not only was it unseasonably warm today, but it was also unusually humid. It's nice at this time of year to be able to have the windows open. A couple leaves might blow in, but even the swarms of ladybugs and stinkbugs are behind us at this point. I drank a recreational cup of kratom tea, a substance that the DEA did not reclassify as a Schedule I substance on September 30th as originally planned, perhaps (in part) due to petition signers such as myself. Maybe the bad old reflexes of the drug war are behind us.
Today in the remote workplace, I investigated various workflows, some of which involved little or no automation and a lot of double-handling of data. When I first learn about such workflows, people usually describe them to me as if I know what they mean by the jargon associated with them. But I never really know what the fuck they're talking about until I interview several people associated with the workflows while also insisting that they "pretend I know nothing." In the course of today's investigation, I realized a whole complicated new tool needs to be built allowing people who are not very competent with computers to administer lists of contacts associated with them personally.

This evening I made myself a sandwich based on Sweet Earth Benevolent Bacon. It was going to be a great sandwich, but I badly misjudged the heat of the homegrown habañero peppers I spiced it up with. These were late-season peppers that had been outside for a few frosts. I don't know if this had something to do with it, but they were much hotter than expected. There were a few bites that I took from that sandwich that were so hot that I momentarily feared I might need hospitalization. But the sandwich was good, so still I kept eating. By the end there I had a heat in my mouth (particularly in the back of my mouth) the likes of which I had never experienced. I drank a bunch of water, and it did no good at all. It cooled the heat while it was in contact with it, but once the water was gone, the heat came roaring back. The solution turned out to be simple, however. On a whim, I started eating a handful of walnut pieces. Something about their oiliness absorbed the heat-causing compounds and carried them away, giving me near-instant relief. Now my only concern was what tomorrow was going to be like, when it came time to shit all that heat out of my poor asshole.
I took a bath later this evening, partly as a means of washing away any lingering pepper heat on my fingertips. I didn't want to be surprised by that the next time I touched my eye.

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