Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   rainy day in a drought
Tuesday, November 29 2016
It had been raining since the rabbit incident last night, and continued without end all day until the gloom of late afternoon. There was no point at which I could take the dogs for their morning walk, so inevitably Neville urinated in the house. Happily, the place he randomly chose to do it was not his usual ones (a couch or bed), but the floor of the laboratory, in one of the few places without anything on it except layers of protective paint.
Later I tried carrying Neville out into the rain when it wasn't coming down too hard, but he just immediately went back into the house. He didn't run like you'd expect a dog to; instead he just purposefully strolled back to the house and went through the pet door.
Late this afternoon, Gretchen was able to take them on a run down the Farm Road. By this point, the air had become so warm it could've been September. Nevertheless, I had a fire burning in the woodstove, more out of habit than necessity.
Though supposedly we're in the middle of terrible multi-month drought (as evidenced by the level of the Ashokan Reservoir), though the water table in the greenhouse sub-basement is now back within the normal range (with at least five feet of standing water). That may not actually reflect water in the rock but water that flowed into the hole in the recent past and has yet to flow out. There are a lot of factors that could govern the amount of standing water in an hole excavated in bedrock.

In my remote workplace, I finally deployed a complex contact organization tool I'd been working on here and there for weeks. I also deployed a changelog system to keep users of the overall system informed about new features, something I'd had trouble figuring out an effective way for communicating.

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