Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   one whole rabbit
Friday, November 18 2016
Yesterday as I came back from the mailbox, I found a dead adult rabbit in the curve in Dug Hill Road just below the entry to our driveway. It's rare for anything but basking snakes and frogs to be killed by the slow-moving cars here, but it occasionally happens. I thought it best to get the rabbit out of the road so it wouldn't be reduced to a pulpy attractive nuisance (something I also do when I find crushed snakes). The rabbit corpse ended up in our yard, where I introduced it to Ramona after a brief walk up and down the Farm Road this morning. (I might be vegan, but Ramona is decidedly freegan, at least until the next time she actually catches a squirrel.) At first she didn't seem to know what to do with the thing, but then she started licking and then gently nibbling at it. Ramona loves Neville more than she has ever loved any dog and rarely demonstrates any food aggression towards him, but when he wandered a little too close (about 12 feet away), she gave him the stink eye and growled softly. She may be lots of things, but Ramona is not generous, and she felt no reason to share "her" rabbit with anyone. She ended up eating the entire thing herself: bones, hide, intestines, intestinal contents, everything. The bones sounded like uncooked pasta as she crunched through them.
This evening I painted another tiny painting on an old credit card, this one of Black Phillip, the caprine star of The Witch. Dark, gloomy, and dystopic, that's what I'm feeling these days even when I'm feeling good. And today was a good day by recent standards.

I posted the four-pane double-flip version both on Facebook and in a thread in my workplace Slack. Later Da, my boss (who said he'd drunk a whole bottle of wine) wondered how I achieved the kaleidoscopic effect. I told him I do it all in Photoshop, to which he posted a /giphy graphic for the term "the magic is gone" (this is typical communication in Slack). But then I posted just the painting itself, and it was the first time Da actually noticed it contained a goat.
I'd been talking up Black Mirror with my colleagues, and by late tonight two of them were watching episodes of it. It made me want to re-watch "Be Right Back" another time. But I also made more progress on "Fifteen Million Merits," a weaker episode from the first season which seems plagued by the humans-as-a-source-of-energy fallacy I've railed against in The Matrix.

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