Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   teevee couch III
Wednesday, November 16 2016
The couch in our teevee room gets more use than any other piece of furniture except our bed. Not only does Gretchen spend about a third of her waking life on it, I spend a couple hours watching teevee from it each week. I also spend about a third of my sleeping hours on it, since it allows me to get away from occasionally crowded[REDACTED] conditions. We're on our second teevee-room couch, having started with the old couch from Gretchen's Brooklyn apartment (which we replaced in December of 2009). The current couch had accumulated wear quickly, and the covers for its cushions had degraded into parallel bands of ribbons. Still, it's been a cozy overstuffed womb, and it so surrounded me as I slept on it that even on cold nights I could be comfortable beneath a single thin blanket. Today its replacement came in the form of a much firmer, more austere couch with a low back and thin arm rests. The new couch rather reminded me of the uncomfortable couches Gretchen's parents got to replace the cozy corner couches they used to have in their living room. I was sure Gretchen would want to send it back, but when she came home tonight she really seemed to like it. Later tonight, I slept on it to see how it worked as a second bed. Unexpectedly, I rather like it. The firmness was good, and made it possible to sleep on my belly, something I could've never done on the last couch (I would've smothered).
Meanwhile, the old couch remains in the teevee room, though it's now beside the teevee facing the new couch. Gretchen has plans of putting it on Freecycle, though I don't know who would want it. For now, though Celeste (aka "the Baby") has decided it's a fun new place to hang out. She never got on it at all when it was in its old position, but something about where it is now makes it a compelling new continent to claim for herself.

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