Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   Laguna Beach
Sunday, October 11 1998
This morning Kim and I went north to Laguna Beach, which is most of the way to Los Angeles. Our principal reason for going was to visit Kim's father's cousin (a bit of a stretch across her family tree but not suprising giving the cohesiveness of her relatives). First, though, we walked around downtown Laguna Beach to get a sense of the place. It's a congested town full of art galleries and boutiques, all shoehorned in tightly between steep desert hills and a beautiful blue ocean. But the people have that unmistakable quality one normally associates with Los Angeles. They drive aggressively, they walk aggressively, the women's skirts are all short and flip a certain way while their noses follow straight urban trajectories. There are lots of people taking their physical fitness programs extremely seriously, from the inline skaters moving in packs like singular centipedes to gaggles of "dick bikers" (as Kim calls them) dressed out in their gaudy advertiser-sponsored spandex. We did our breakfast of coffee and bagels and decided we were happy not to live here.
Kim's father's cousin is an unremarkable businessman living a comfortable life in a sheltered Laguna Beach community. He has a wife, two kids and a frisky one year old Dalmatian, one of those 101 Dalmatians craze Dalmatians (everything chewable in his yard had been repaired with duct tape). Kim's father's cousin offered us a list of non-alcoholic beverages to pick from and we both chose ice tea. Despite his lack of exceptional traits, I actually kind of liked the guy. Among the things we discussed was targeted web marketing strategies.
Back in San Diego, Kim and I tried to return to the Hillcrest punk rocker's moving sale, but we couldn't find him anywhere. So we did dinner at the Bombay Express, which we'd never gotten around to doing yesterday.

I heard on the news tonight that our beloved Congress was finally getting serious about tackling the crisis of flag burning that has been sweeping our nation. This extremely serious issue is perhaps the most pressing of those neglected throughout all the hullabaloo surrounding our president's unnatural sexual practices.

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