Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   along the San Diego River
Tuesday, October 13 1998
Every time I'm going to and from work, I'm sure to include in my route the little bikepath that runs between the trolley tracks and the San Diego River. The part I take goes from the temporary "Punkin Junction" at Camino Del Este to Mission Center Road and it makes up the last quarter mile before I get to my workplace. Somehow it always just seems perfect down by the river in the morning. The only sound is the irrigation nipples watering the vegetation on the right side of the path. The ocean mist is still thick in the air and there's even some dew on the grass. The joggers, strollers and dogwalkers are actually kind of friendly as they get the fuck out of my way.
Sometimes there are coots in the river. They're vaguely ducklike birds, all-black except for a bit of white above their bills, the kind they don't have to pay. They look to be especially happy, even for birds.
I rode my bike during lunch to look for a set of headphones for rock & roll in the workplace. Sadly my search was to no avail; I ended up getting a cup of Starbucks coffee instead. The woman who waited on me tried to sell me fattening food as well, but I'd eaten reheated pizza for lunch. I mostly just wanted to use their restroom.
In the evening I bought an $8 pair of headphones from the Radio Shack in Hillcrest. The guy in the Radio Shack tried to flatter me by suggesting the most expensive pair but of course I bought the cheapest since headphones are so easy to lose. I was dressed ridiculously, in an olive polyester jacket and bright red 313 Records teeshirt. Kim was with me, and we hadn't yet begun to fight.

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