being free doesn't pay the bills Wednesday, August 11 1999
Today is the first anniversary of the ever-entertaining Kim & Missy show, and thus also the first anniversary of Matt Rogers' drunk-driving fiasco. Word from Oregon is that Matt is finally getting around to taking the necessary classes required to launder his driving record. In other Matt Rogers-related news, there's always Matt Roger's website. Matt's been pestering me for months to create a link to that site, so there you go. But don't just visit his site, send him some money too. Unlike me, you see, Matt doesn't work for The Man. He doesn't even have a girlfriend, so all his time is completely free. But being free doesn't pay the bills. If you want Matt to stay free and continue contributing to early 00's culture, kick him down some dinero.
Kim's mother called in the evening and I made the mistake of picking up the thing without waiting to hear who it was on the answering machine. Talk about relentless, Kim's mother definitely takes the cake. She has no idea how to end a phone call. The concept of "valuable time" means absolutely nothing to her. She wanted to talk about Ocean Beach real estate, and that meant I had to be interested. The conversation may have only lasted 15 minutes, but it felt like my entire youth was slipping by. There's something about the way that woman talks that resembles Chinese water torture. It's in her over-deployment of slow, well-enunciated truisms and it's also in her lavish use of repetition (she's an elementary special education teacher after all - her charges all ride the short bus). When Kim came home, it was like I'd made it through the desert. I handed her the phone and returned to my computer while she and her mother neutralized each other.
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