ass rash Wednesday, August 25 1999
Yesterday I got a "Macho Burrito" at the Mission Valley Del Taco and then went outside and sat in the shade of a pine tree to eat it. I was sitting on a clump of ice plants, a common ground cover in urban California. These plants are cultivated in many places to prevent erosion and brush fires. Their plump succulent leaves are almost bursting with water. Some of the leaves beneath my butt actually did burst under my weight, soaking my pants in their juices. I thought nothing of it.
But throughout the remainder of the afternoon, I noticed my butt cheeks were getting kind of sore. I thought it was just from sitting for too long in one position.
But this morning Kim saw my naked ass and commented on "a rash" (and we're not talking here about a Silicon Valley online journal keeper either). I was too embarrassed to let her examine me up close even though she wanted to.
Throughout the workday, the seat of my pants definitely felt warm. I was starting to get concerned. Perhaps I'd caught something from a public toilet seat. The thought of catching some gnarly bum's butt condition left me uneasy to say the least. But then I realized something: the pattern of the rash on my butt closely resembled the wetness patch from sitting on ice plants yesterday. There was even a touch of rash on my hands from where I'd touched my ice-plant-soaked pants.
It seemed I was experiencing some sort of allergic reaction. But I cannot find any references to this specific allergy anywhere on the web.
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