Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   absent for sushi
Wednesday, August 18 1999
The things on the company website for which I am responsible suddenly twisted themselves into a terribly perplexing knot just before I was to head home tonight. Someone on the programming team had foolishly added a Javascript to the very top of a constant include, thereby filling my pages with ASP header errors. I had a damn hard time tracking the problem down, and had the aggravation continued for much longer than it did I would have been in tears. Gone are the days when I can find someone to help me when I'm stumped. Either I figure these things out or they remain broken. There's no one else who stands a chance of puzzling out the inner-workings of my message board system.
Ever since the new site redesign went live on Monday, I've been busting my ass putting out small fires and fighting inconsistencies. I've also been working feverishly to get a series of administration tools together such that the site can actually be dynamic and the extremely well-paid channel producers (with whom I am developing extremely tight professional bonds) can strut their stuff; all through the redesign I had to fight the old-guard company policy of hard-coding everything just to make the deadlines (only, of course, to rely on overworked developers thenceforth to make even the slightest content changes).
My position has gradually mutated into that of "Content Engineer" or perhaps "Creative Engineer." It's a position that exploits all my talents fairly well. Today over pretzels the two channel producers were comparing my programming techniques to the ingenuities of the teevee character McGuiver.

In the evening, Scott, the Harley-riding sales guy at work went out to celebrate his birthday with other members of the sales team, as well as Kim and our neighbor Lisa. I was so wrapped up in my work that I missed the departing ride, but Kim brought me back some sushi when she finally came home. She was tipsy from saki and suspicious that she might be pregnant, though evidence to the contrary came later tonight. She and I stayed up late listening to music and having a wonderful conversation about our respective young adulthoods. I said that the onset of my sexuality coincided with a final physical maturation phase that began at about the age of 19. At the time I was suddenly surprised to discover that I was being taken seriously as a sexual creature. This led, in turn, to a boost in self esteem, higher serotonin levels, less concern about the opinions of others, and the usual positive-feedback loop that can only lead to conceit and failing grades.

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