Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   lousy pizza in Brentwood
Sunday, June 10 2001
My housemate John was, as usual, somewhat bored and antsy this afternoon, so we went for a walk together to a nearby place with a slightly more pedestrian-friendly environment: Brentwood along San Vicente just east of the intersection with Bundy. Mind you, it's no Manhattan or Venice, but there are people out and about and some parts of the sidewalks are even paved with bricks.
We ducked into a purportedly New York pizza place staffed by a couple Korean girls. The Autobiography of Malcolm X was on the teevee and vintage acrophobia-inducing pictures of men building New York skyscrapers were on the wall. Unfortunately, the pizza sucked.

The best part of this whole upscale commercial district might just be the long newsstand stretching along the side of a parking lot adjacent to the Whole Foods.
After he had gone into the Whole Foods and bought some fruit (cherries are in season and he eats them all day long), John wanted to know about the cause and effect relationship between wealth and beauty. Nearly everybody in the Brentwood Whole Foods and the Brentwood Ralphs is attractive and stylish, whereas it's more of a hit and miss thing in the West LA Smart and Final and Santa Monica Albertsons. I said that I thought the two were probably mutually re-enforcing. Wealth leads to good nutrition and expensive fashion choices, which lead to beauty, which in turn leads to more lucrative employment options, confidence and attractiveness.

There are few things that sound quite as stupid as sports fans in the distance reacting emotionally to a game they're watching on teevee. Yeah, I know you like the Lakers, and damn it, that fucker was out, but I was trying to take a nap this evening, lady, and your penetrating throaty screams and incessant applause managed to bring an end to my peace.

Most of today was dedicated to adding features to Vodkatea allowing users to experience more of the nuances one experiences in a real community. One important new feature is the troll tab on the pop-up profile window. This does an expensive query to determine who might possibly be the troll of any given user. It works amazingly well, though there are some people (such as Bill Chance) who use AOL exclusively and the system tends to identify them as trolls even though they are not. Of course, as with other new features, the troll tab is only available to those who have high community status. Unlike administrators of other online communities, I don't make any denials or apologies about elitism at Vodkatea. "Vodkatea, our elitism is entirely mathematical."

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