Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

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Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   warm shell of extrovertism
Wednesday, June 15 2016
Gretchen took her parents to the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary this afternoon while I was "at" work. Later, at around 5:00pm, the plan was for us all to go to Woodstock to partake in the Wednesday Farm Festival to eat falafel made by our friend Falafel Cathy. It was looking like things "in" my workplace would permit it, at least so long as I brought a smartphone. I also brought Ramona the Dog; Gretchen and her parents had Neville.
When I arrived in the park, I found my contingent (which also included Nancy) at a picnic table. Normally we'd all be on a blanket on the ground away from the madding crowd, but Gretchen's parents wanted a place where they could sit and not strain the range of their old joints' motion. Eventually Gretchen and Neville headed off to the bookstore, where Gretchen would be running another of her poetry seminars, and Eva & Sandor showed up with a bottle of Rosé. I'd taken a 50 milligram dose of Vyvanse, so I was wrapped in a warm shell of extrovertism. I expected the Vyanse to ruin my appetite for falafel, but it didn't have this effect. I should mention the particular falafel I ate was an unusually messy one. This messiness was compounded by the fact that I have to eat in such a way as to not strain my still-loose punk rock tooth, that is, only taking bites with the right side of my mouth.
After Gretchen's parents went off somewhere, I asked the others about how exactly they communicate with their coworkers. All of us sit at computers all day working remotely. Meanwhile, Ramona was trying to meet other dogs, but of course she had to pick a fight with the first dog I let her approach.
At some point I noted that the Farm Festival was being attended by a disproportionate number of attractive women in summer dresses with prematurely greying hair.

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