Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   so thick was her woo
Saturday, June 18 2016
I would've taken the dogs for a walk this morning, but while I was getting ready to do that, they heard something in the woods to the southwest of the yard and didn't reappear for the next four hours. I went out looking for them later in the afternoon, but I didn't see them and they didn't return until shortly before I was to leave for a barbecue being hosted by Eva & Sandor. I also found Leopold the Frog II pressed up against the outside of the kiddie pool, acting as if he wanted to get into it but didn't know how (Leopold I had no such problems). So I put him in the pool, though he seemed kind of lazy, almost letting Ramona step on him as she greedily lapped the water he was soaking in.

On the drive over to Eva & Sandor's place, I stopped at the Hurley Ridge market to get things like portobello mushroom caps, poblano peppers, and faux-meat sausages (being careful to avoid anything containing eggs, as a lot of them do). I also got a sixpack of Red Stripe, a Jamaican lager I used to drink in hot weather when I needed something better than Mt. Brew Ice (or whatever ice beer I drank before Stewarts began carrying that).
Not long after I arrived, we were joined by Ben, the guy who used to live in this house and who now lives next door. With Ben was an attractive woman dressed like a fashionable earth goddess on a hot day. But she hardly made any sense at all when she talked, so thick was her woo. She kept steering the conversation to herbs and things related to the uterus, occasionally making statements like, "Cedar trees are antennas for the spirit world." When she found out that I concentrated on botany back in college, she wanted to know all that I knew about some particular plant (I forget what it was). But lacking useless woo knowledge about plants, I didn't know anything special about it. I was, however, able to quickly identify a mystery tree Sandor had left standing in a field. From a distance it looked like a Black Cherry, which it proved to be when I got close.
Dawn the lighting designer came with Mark, one of her tenants, as well has her semi-psychotic rescue dog Polypore (aka "Poly"). Being a mostly-unknown male, Polly doesn't trust me in the least. But then, on one of many tours of the basement (where Sandor and Eva are remaking as a "granny flat" for Sandor's parents), Polly seemed delighted when I frisked about in the field. Sensing she might want to play, I picked up a stick and hurled it. Polly immediately brought it back, dropping it immediately (unlike other dogs who won't let it go so easily). So I hurled it again, and so it went for thirty or forty retrievals. Polly is some sort of Pit mix, and such dogs aren't usually too keen on retrieving, but this dog was as single minded about it as an Australian Shepherd. I asked Dawn if she knew this about Polly, and she said she did. So why hadn't Dawn suggested that I throw a stick in the first place?
As for the grilled food, there was plenty of it, some of which we ate with tumeric-flavored saurkraut. I'm not a huge fan of grilled food, its seasonality is fun (in the same way that Thanksgiving-style food, while not something I normally crave, sort of makes sense in late Novemeber).
For the final hour of my stay, I drank a bunch of water so as to sober up from two Imperial Stouts (and at least one other beer, as well as several inhaled refreshments).

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