Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   the failed code with aplomb
Thursday, June 2 2016
I had nice focused & productive day in my remote workplace, completing work on some administrative tools added to an odd set of websites where files in the file system served in place of an actual database. Long-time readers of this site will remember that I am something of an expert when it comes to using files in place of a database. But it's rare for me to encounter evidence of others having worked this way. As I told Ni via Slack today, "it's the way i worked in the late 1990s when i first started doing web development and the database admin wouldn't let me put stuff in the db (although he did like to get me high in the parking lot)." Since this code was almost certainly build by Meerkat, I have to wonder why he did it that way. Did it date from before he'd become familiar with MySQL? In any case, I quickly added the features that needed adding and felt proud of the results, even if it was (as I also told Ni) "like installing granite countertops in the Titanic." Da has intentions of replacing all such oddball code with Wordpress, the Walmart of content management.
At some point this afternoon, I drank a usual dose of kratom tea, using fresh Bali kratom instead of the somewhat inferior 100 grams of stuff I'd bought before this stuff. It acted as a pleasant stimulant, and also made me feel both socially adept and intellectually formidable. It was under its effects that I tried a fix to the emailing system that soon failed, but I walked back the failed code with aplomb.
At around this time, Ha started asking me lots of annoying coding questions via Slack's private messaging feeature, and I soon learned from the others that Ha was to be discouraged from doing this. Based on the questions Ha was asking and his general aura of helplessness, I began to wonder if perhaps Meerkat had been right about him and that he might be something of a weak hire. It was also interesting to note that not even Da (who had felt the need to compensate for Meerkat's brutal condescension towards Ha) had seen fit to trust him with access to the important databases.

I got out of work early so I could be a full participant in a little dinner party Gretchen had arranged. Susan and David arrived a little before 8:00pm and we had a dinner of pasta, bits of frozen pizza, and a salad featuring garden-fresh lettuce. It was our first dinner out on the east deck in 2016. Unfortunately, some asshat down at the bus turnaround kept shattering the evening calm with explosions from his steel prosthetic penis.

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