Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
linksdecay & ruin got that wrong appropriate tech fun social media stuff Like asecular.com (nobody does!) Like my brownhouse: |
men of the heart and guy of the pie Sunday, August 17 1997
or a Sunday, this wasn't exactly intense. I awoke on the couch at the Brick Mansion in the Hood, slipped out the back door, and drove to UVA's Gilmer Hall to do some sort of compulsive internet thing. I was feeling ridiculous for how drunk I'd been last night. And my left elbow is all kinds of fucked up. I can still ride a bicycle, that's what's important. Back at Kappa Mutha Fucka, I slept until about noon.
n internet friend named Katie sent me this link to the Pieman's homepage. But don't click on it unless you're hooked up to a T1 line. It comes to probably ten megabytes. The Pieman, by the way, is one of those radicals leftover from the days when it was cool to mail bombs to enemies, to spike the punch with LSD, to incite riots and to read poetry with a lilting pretentious voice. Back then, they tell me, it was possible to get more than five people to show up at a protest. The Pieman's claim to notoriety was his habit of "pieing," that is, extinguishing pies in the faces of the blowhard targets of his radical wrath. Meanwhile, fellow online journal-keeper Grinder has returned from web-challenged South Africa with news (via email) of a male knock-off on Ladies of the Heart. As he puts it, "It's all here -- cacky artwork, jaunty MIDI files, 'Iron John,' bad poetry and men who aren't ashamed to refer to themselves as 'Lord.'" The website is called Renaissance Men, but my own special ridicule will have to wait for some day when I have more energy. There's a little bit of a soap opera going on here, by the way. Grinder had a trans-Atlantic romance with another online journal keepster, Jennifer, who sent me email today telling me she used to go to high school with the guy who played the guitar-playing hunk in Welcome to the Dollhouse. She says in real life he was exactly like his character in the movie. But more to the point, about the Grinder/Jennifer affair: pick your poison:
Read his side of the story. This sort of reading just didn't exist anywhere on the planet two years ago, you know.
interesting factoidI used to walk around my college dorm singing Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl" quietly to myself, replacing the word "cinnamon" with "cynical."
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