Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
linksdecay & ruin got that wrong appropriate tech fun social media stuff Like asecular.com (nobody does!) Like my brownhouse: |
very surreal stuff Thursday, August 28 1997
he last few days Monster Boy has been staying home recovering from strep throat. It seems he went to a preliminary medical exam in preparation for his new career as a blood scraper at the hospital and they discovered the dread disease. I can't imagine it helps much that he's been sleeping on the back porch (his new room!) through these unusually cool nights.
erhaps if I'd known back in June I was being cyberseduced by a fishnet-wearing Canadian goth chick, I'd have been more excited to respond to her email. But you know, I have too much trouble keeping up correspondence with the people I do know to begin new online friendships with people who aren't especially persistent. Despite my usually high levels of sexual frustration and my generally rarified sex life, I'm actually rather difficult to seduce, simply because my attitude toward the whole thing tends toward blasé. Unless I'm really drunk.
You know, the journal of that fishnet-wearing goth girl is actually a pretty funny read. Like I said, too bad I didn't know she was trying to seduce me until just today!
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