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Like my brownhouse:
   cooking for dogs
Tuesday, April 28 2009

Temperatures today and yesterday reached (or nearly reached) 90 degrees, but colder weather was on the way. Towards the late afternoon, clouds started piling in and winds gusted strongly from the north.
But back in the afternoon, while it was still hot and sunny, David of Penny and David came by and we sat out in the swing chairs drinking cold German beers and talking about various things: the economy (how bad it is), politics (the surprise switch a few hours before of Arlen Specter to the Democratic party, which David hadn't yet learned), and journalism (an article he's writing about the interplay between a powerful biologic imperative and an unavoidable biologic fate).
As he was getting up to leave, David attempted to pull himself up by a horizontal dowel holding the halves of the swing chair apart and it naturally snapped in two. And had there been a banana peel on the ground between the swing chair and his Land Rover, David would have slipped and fallen as well. He's about the klutziest guy I know.

This evening, we were all out of dog food, so Gretchen cooked them a delicious vegan pot of rice, black beans, moldy tofu, salad dressing, and expired olive oil. It looked, as one might expect, like pig slops, but the dogs ate it with gusto. Actually, only Sally ate it with gusto. Eleanor was a little puzzled and had to be encouraged to take the first bite.

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