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Like my brownhouse:
   foggy forest in March
Monday, March 29 2010
It was a bit warmer this morning than it had been, and it seemed still warmer air was on the way because a fairly thick fog had rolled in, making for good photographic atmospherics in the forest. So I brought my camera when I took the dogs on their morning walk. The only major wildlife we came upon was a fairly large flock of turkeys, none of whom flew away despite the fact that Eleanor was running like a rabid fox among them. This suggests that they had eggs or turklets nearby.

Gretchen returned from her recent Berkshire adventure this evening. She'd been at a seminar for poets hoping to improve their manuscripts. It had been expensive and the other participants had been at much earlier stages of their poetry careers than she had, so she'd gotten a bit less out of it than expected. Nevertheless, she suddenly had lots of ideas for how to improve her manuscript, and she spent hours in front of her computer either editing poems or writing entirely new ones. Inspiration is like that — you have to seize it by the horns on the few occasions when it's there.

Click to enlarge.

A moving rivulet in the Stick Trail near the house.

The Chamomile where it crosses the Stick Trail.

Sally heads south on the Stick Trail just south of the Chamomile.

A dead White Pine along the Gullies Trail (a quarter mile south of the house).

More of that dead pine.

Eleanor and moss along the Gullies Trail.

A mostly-dry waterfall along the Gully Trail about a half mile south of the house.

Somewhere in the forest.

A shale formation in the forest at 41.920928N, 74.100294W. The formation is about six feet across at the widest.

Me and the head-shaped shale formation. Note my spiffy glasses and an eleven year old teeshirt.

Eleanor gets hot, a little less than a mile south of the house along the Stick Trail.

A Black Gum along the Stick Trail near the house.

A big cairn on a bluestone boulder along the Stick Trail a couple hundred feet south of the house.

Sylvia upside-down on the ottoman in the laboratory.

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