Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   late-Friday reasons for drinking
Friday, October 14 2016

Today was Friday, of course, and I felt like I finally had a good handle on the week. I had Da push a bunch of my code to the mass email server, and, after a few glitches, it allowed me to create reports similar to the ones I was already able to make on the fundraising database. Though the codebases are fundamentally similar on both systems, their frontends are rather different, and getting this older frontend to successfully render templates from the other system had been a little tricky.
Towards the end of the day, I was party to an unusually stressful meeting involving one member of the administration who had never been in a meeting with me before. The stress, though, was mostly in the contentious relationship between two of the managers, something I'd hoped to work toward resolving back at the retreat.
Then, after that, I realized that a series of reports I'd written concerning email deliverability all used the wrong denominator and that calculating the correct denominator wasn't going to be easy. At the minimum it was going to require adding a new index to a table containing a nine-digit number of records. While that was being added, the system ground to a stop and I just had to hope for the best. Eventually the index was aded and the system resumed where it had left off. But that's a lot of stress for late on a Friday. So when I joined Gretchen for bucatini with faux-meat red sauce, I cracked open a bottle of red wine too. We ended up watching a couple episodes of Shark Tank, which is always reliably-good television.

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