Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   hate-watching again
Saturday, October 15 2016

Gretchen was gone most of the day to give a poetry reading somewhere and attend Woodstock Film Festival films. For me, it was mostly just another day spent in front of my computer, though without the explicit demands of an actual workday. [REDACTED]
Facebook had dredged up an adorable photo of a two-year-old photography of Ramona the Dog and Celeste the Kitten on the couch, and I made a painted version of it late this afternoon. This was the result:

monie_celeste_better_450.jpg, 107kB
monie_celeste_four_450.jpg, 108kB

There's a new season of Goldrush for me to hate-watch, so I did that this evening, finally getting away from my computer and relaxing. Things are different in the chuckle-headed world of Goldrush. Parker's 96 year old grandfather finally died, but now he's got a cute hyperblond girlfriend from Australia which will hopefully ratchet up new tensions at the gold mine. Though those scenes take place in Canada, I have to imagine they're all supporters of Donald J. Trump, and they probably have attitudes towards women to match.

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