Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   Neville factors in a selfie
Sunday, October 16 2016

Sandor wanted me to help him transport some lumber from Home Depot this afternoon, so I had plans to do that after a normal Sunday afternoon Woodstock run that included a stop at the Tibetan Center Thrift Store (I got a fan, a USB cable, and a cat collar with built-in bird-warning bell) and dropping Neville the Dog off at the Golden Notebook to be a bookstore dog for the afternoon while Gretchen did her Sunday shift as a bookseller. The store was mobbed with people when I arrived, and Neville was an immediate sensation. Minutes after we arrived, a group of young women got down on the floor with Neville and took a group selfie. Because that's what the kids do these days.
The main reason Sandor needed me to help with the lumber was that neither of his vehicles are equipped with a roof rack. Beyond that, I think a lot of people aren't as comfortable with strapping things to vehicular roofs as I am. The only problem with shopping with someone like Sandor is how deeply indecisive he is. He spent a very long time figuring out what sort of plank he wanted. Select was nice but too expensive, the mid-grade was knotty, and there was also a very rough grade of white pine that would need sanding. In the end, Sandor went for the cheapest, roughest wood, figuring that, since it was a wall material, he could get away with sanding only one side. I wandered away at some point and bought some 12 volt LED bulbs for the greenhouse sub-basement illumination project I think about but never actually do. Sandor insisted on paying for everything, including those bulbs. As I tied the lumber to the roof, I let Ramona (who was the only dog with us) wander the parking lot the way I always do. Sandor is always most impressed by all the shortcuts I know for getting from one place to the other. I couldn't use one of those shortcuts, though, because a bridge was supposedly out somewhere on Sawkill Road.

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