something that appeared to be escape-adjacent Monday, January 22 2018
The warmish weather continued, with highs at around 40 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees above normal) and lows two degrees above freezing (19 degrees above normal). It's nice with so much daylight showing through the woodshed not to be burning firewood at the fierce rate we recently were, particularly so close to statistical peak cold (which is either today or tomorrow).
It was delighted to see Clarence had finally returned to the recuperation fort this afternoon. I'd tried putting him in there a couple times yesterday, and he wasn't having it. But today he was over whatever had switched in his brain after Neville's nasty gaurdy behavior. This is impressive flexibility for a cat. Usually once they decide something is bad mojo they have a great deal of difficulty reevaluating that decision.
I'll be flying out to Los Angeles early tomorrow for some work-related business, and this meant I had to do some prep work. This included doing a load of laundry, carrying six armloads of wood in from the woodshed (to make things easier on Gretchen in my absence) and getting all the stuff I needed loaded onto Hyrax (my trusty laptop). I also had to bathe (I hadn't done that in days), prepare my travel liquor supply, and transfer all my computer stuff into my new computer bag.
In amongst all this, Gretchen was getting some last-minute socializing in before I left. Stuck with dog duties, she won't be able to do that at all. This meant (of course) that I was stuck with dog duties today, and I kept having to deal with Neville's neediness. At one point during a videoconference I'd had to be reminded about, I was wolfing down a sandwich when I happened to notice Neville doing something that appeared to be escape-adjacent. So I told my colleagues to hold that thought and ran down to grab the dog and carry him up into the laboratory.
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