if a price looks suspiciously low Saturday, February 10 2018
Temperatures this morning were above freezing and stayed that way all day. By this evening it was foggy and drizzling.
Gretchen and I did our usual Saturday morning coffee thing, though we didn't do all of it in the recuperation fort. This was because Gretchen brought out both her waffle irons (one on which has an Art Decco design and may well be over eighty years old) and made deliciously fluffy waffles, which it was just easier to eat from a sitting position on the couch (instead of homeless-person-style within the fort).
This evening while Gretchen went out to dinner with our friend Kate [REDACTED] while I stayed back at the house. [REDACTED]
Through yesterday and today, I've been trying to copy the contents of my laptop's (Hyrax's) hard drive to a new SSD I'd bought for about $85 from China. Sure enough, though, that SSD had issues and the copying kept erroring out. At best, I could only put about nine GB of data on the drive, even though it's supposed to hold 256 GB. Luckily, the purchase was recent enough to have the seller do something about it. I'm hoping he'll just refund me and I won't have to ship it back, since shipping costs between the United States and China are prohibitively asymmetrical. One further lesson (one I should really know by now) is that if a price looks suspiciously low, there's probably a good reason for it.
I had better luck with a $100 long-distance RFID reader that arrived today. Hooking it up to an Arduino and using a Weigand format library someone had written, I was able to decode RFID tags from about two feet away. This wasn't the full meter advertised, but that's good enough for the pet door control system that I want to build to keep Neville from leaving the house off-leash during the second phase of his recovery (which begins next week).
When I got hungry, I fried up a pan of onions, mushrooms, and Lightlife Smart Bacon (my preferred fake bacon). Then I heated up a pre-made pizza crust in the toaster oven. To do this, I had to bend the crust slightly to get it to fit while using a small bungee cord to hold the toaster oven's door shut. After covering the heated crust with pasta sauce, I liberally applied the contents of the frying pan. The result was a delicious no-cheese vegan pizza, though it would've been better had I used tomato paste instead of pasta sauce (but we don't have any tomato paste).
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