Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
linksdecay & ruin got that wrong appropriate tech fun social media stuff Like asecular.com (nobody does!) Like my brownhouse: |
Musings' birthday link farm Thursday, July 31 1997
appy birthday to the musings. I changed the look on the front page a little out of respect for dynamicism on the web. I think it's a little more cohesive now. Unfortunately, there's an apparent bug in Photoshop's GIF 89 Export (or my understanding of it) and I wrestled with the various graphics for far longer than I expected. I once read somewhere that computers have done nothing for productivity in this country, and I believe it. Talk about laughing out loud, check out Elly's Slice of Cyberpie today. That was the single most entertainment I've had from Elly in a month! It's entries like that which keep me coming back, sometimes several times a day! I even get a mention, as do the number of IP addresses at my disposal. If only she knew all the domains I have to work with, she'd surrender to my exalted status as net.demon! Unfortunately, she's almost made her pages completely insufferable now; they all (every last one of them) croak with the ersatz schmaltz of MIDI. Elly apparently missed that day in kindergarten when they taught the lesson on the beauty of restraint. I kind of get carried away providing links to the crazies of the web while neglecting the genuinely cool people with interesting things to say. So I'd like to take this opportunity to hype a few recent internet friends.
n the evening, Matthew Hart, Leah, Rory, and the "organic-food-nazi couple" went fishing. I stayed at home and did what I could to collect rent from Deya. I hope Monster Boy helps her out this month. Unfortunately, his reputation and financial capacity for carrying his weight are both somewhat in doubt. I could easily see him arguing that since he's been sleeping with Ami Sage he shouldn't be required to pay rent this month. The problem with such logic is that he's been sleeping with Ami Sage for only a part of the month and only some of the time. The rest of the time he sleeps on a bed in our house. And his car is forever blocking Matthew's in the driveway.
I drank some Black Hook beers that were on sale at the JPA Fastmart. We hardly ever patronize that store even though it is so close. The prices there are just too exorbitant. In the evening, Peggy and Zach showed up, followed shortly by Raphæl, Ana and Nemo along with an old Tandem School friend of everyone, Harmony. Nemo can stand unassisted on two legs these days. I was amazed the first time I saw him walk tonight. Philogeny is recapitualting ontogeny and Nemo is already in the post-simian phase. In a way, when a baby starts walking, it's a little miracle, somewhat along the lines of a cripple kissing the Black Virgin and tossing aside his crutches. Leticia the Brazilian Girl was the last to arrive. Tonight is her last in Charlottesville; tomorrow she moves to New York City. And tomorrow some of us Kappa Mutha Fucka folks will be in New York City as well, on a trip to visit Diana the Redhead and her roommate Verge. It's doubtful I'll be able to update these musings on the road, and if I don't, I'll tell you all about things when we get back on Monday night. For linking purposes this article's URL is: previous | next |