The greenhouse today, viewed from the south.

The south wall of the greenhouse, viewed from inside (just north of it). You can tell I didn't worry much about the appearance of the mortar, which will ultimately be covered with some other material. The dark spots are where I patched weak-looking mortar joints using fiberglass mesh and Portland cement (a time-tested fix I used on bad spots in the basement wall starting in 2004). Also note the drainage pipe to catch water pooling inside the building.

The greenhouse, viewed from its south east.

The southeast corner of the greenhouse, viewed from inside. Note the rough holes for a set of windows and a door.

The east-west beam that will ultimately hold up a second floor (where the composting toilet will go). Note the glass blocks in the center top of the west wall. There will be another horizontal beam to catch the load of the west end of the east-west beam on top of that wall, since glass blocks are not suitable for bearing loads.