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Like my brownhouse:
   wielding a belt sander
Thursday, August 13 2020
When I went to check the Johns Hopkins United States confirmed cases of coronavirus map today to see the latest state of the various "corridors," I was disappointed to see that the legend and the number of cases represented by the different shades of yellow and red had been changed, probably to convey more information. The old legend had topped out with the darkest color representing counties with more than 322 cases. Now the darkest color is a dark grey, which seems to represent counties with over 100,000 cases. Below that are dark red counties, which are those with more than 960 cases, and it goes down from there. This reassignment of colors completely screwed up my tracking of the spread just as one corrdidor was about to bridge the northeast with the south (via Sussex County, Virginia) and another was about to bridge the northeast with the Great Lakes via Blair and Huntingdon Counties in Pennsylvania. It'll take me awhile now to become familiar enough with the new map to know what patterns to look for.

This afternoon, I drove the Nissan Leaf to the Uptown plaza area so I could get supplies at Herzog's (several kinds of sanding and abraiding supplies) and a few things at Hannaford. Those included antacids, diphenhydramine, a six pack of Lagunitas Supercluster IPA, bananas, and a bottle of toenail-fungus-fighting liquid for Powerful (who, like me, is afflicted with monstrously thickened nails on his two big toes). Back at the house, I slipped a brand new rough-grit sanding belt on my handheld belt sander and used it to quickly abraid the new tub decking until it sloped from all directions perfectly down to the level of the top of the tub. It's unexpectedly satisfying to wield a belt sander equipped with such powerful material-removal capability. (My belt sander is a crappy cheap one I bought years ago from Harbor Freight; maybe I should get a nicer one.)
I also added a little more structure beneath the deck along the edge of the tub to better support the plywood I'd thinned with the sander, in some places dramatically.

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