Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a slack moment
Wednesday, March 10 1999
Wouldn't this be better if my journal was somewhat more interactive? Actually, I'm developing systems that would make that much easier. But for now...

An email I got today:


Sorry about this intrusion.

You don't know me but...

I stumbled across your site a couple days ago. I cannot recall what my initial search was about - I think it might have had to do with either drawing techniques - specifically - pencil and chaarcoal drawing - or - how to grow marijuana at home :-)

Anyway - I've gotta tell you that your site is one of the most intersting diversions I've come across on the net in a while.

This is not a criticism but you've got way too many internal links... I wish I could say I had actually read through the site in some comprehensive - even sane manner - but I can't. I wound up clicking on link after link until I was utterly lost. I enjoyed every minute of it.

There is no purpose to this e-mail other than to tip my hat and let you know that someone, somewhere - that someone NOT being affiliated in any manner with BigFun - has enjoyed the obvious care and patience you've put into the site.

I wish I could say I feel closer to you all - that somehow the group and place had endeared itself to me - but alas - I cannot. It's about those links. As much intimate detail as is given and the descriptive nature of the prose - I still know BigFun no better now than before. I do feel a loss though - as if I were a visitor at an interesting and eccentric family's holiday dinner: Only there long enough to know that I wish I were there longer.

I've bookmarked the site and hope to find the time to revisit it at length someday.

I think you write exceptionally well. For all it's worth - I honestly think if you could find a good artist and inker - you'd have a great comic book or animated series on your hands. Perhaps a short story or hell - if there's enough material - even a book. The place is fascinating. Or maybe - it's just a place like any other and your writings of it are what's truly fascinating.

Anyway... Good job....

Thanks for the twisted and odd diversion...


PS I had never, ever heard of Tussin as a recreational drug. After browsing your site on Sunday night and, experiencing a persistant throat-tickle Monday morning - I walked down to the local drug store and bought a bottle of Tussin. I figured - hey - why not - surely I won't be too impaired to work - right? Wrong! Geez... I only took about two ounces over a three hour period. After lunch, I went to my car for a cat nap - something I do often when I'm tired at work - and, almost two hours later I awoke to an incredible buzz. Not necessarily unpleasant but way too intense to go into work. I spent an hour walking around the garage trying to shake out the cobwebs, another hour in the bathroom until I finally faced my boss, told her I had accidentily taken too much Tussin (tunrs out she'd had a similar experience a few years back and was very understanding) and got the hell out of there. I can hardly remember the one-hour drive home. I fell asleep at 5:30pm and slept until ten o'clock the next morning. I didn't go to work on Tuesday or even today (Wednesady). Not because of the Tussin directly - the buzz is long gone - but the unbelievable weariness that followed. Like a hangover but without the ill-effects. Just damned tired for two and a half days.

I'm trying to decide if I actually liked the buzz or not. I think, ultimately, that I do not. I understand from your web-site that you and your friends do this stuff an a semi-regular basis. How can you function afterwards? Doesn't the stuff wipe you out?

Again - later.... XXX XXXXXXXX

I came home to find Kim giving the neighbor, Joe, a massage. [REDACTED] No big deal, I left them alone in the massage/computer room. Eventually Joe emerged saying the experience had been better than strong marijuana. It occurs to me that if I'd been in Kim's place and she'd been in mine, she wouldn't have given me nearly as much peace. It's terribly unfair.

For linking purposes this article's URL is:

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