A large green beetle (about an inch long) I found outside the front door this afternoon.
A carrion beetle on the steps down to the greenhouse.
The brownhouse, viewed from uphill (the west). Note the freshly-painted Purple Martin house.
Same view with the door closed.
Inside the brownhouse, using rocks to hold down the MDF I was gluing.
The brownhouse, viewed from the southeast.
The brownhouse from the east, with a view of the hole where the shit collector can goes (I was fixing the hatch at the time, which had overheated in the sun and come somewhat delaminated). Though the brownhouse looks like it is sitting on a concrete foundation, that's just Wonderboard panels attached to pressure-treated corner posts. I've also added some additional treated framing lumber to support the Wonderboard and frame out the hatch hole.
A spectacular orange spider I'd never seen before that I found in the brownhouse basement. The body on this guy is over a half inch long.
The brownhouse posing with the greenhouse, viewed from the southeast.
Plants in the greenhouse. The plant in the back is a tomato I've been growing for over a month. The two nearer plants are dwarf banana trees that a reader suggested I get. We'll see how they do.