Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   LCD ghosts
Thursday, April 5 2012
The weather went back to being seasonably chilly, if still sunny. Though my fingers gradually went numb as I did so, I pealed off what duct tape I could from the back of our Honda Civic's bumper to see how yesterday's repair had gone. I was delighted to find it holding solid. The JB Weld had created low ridges along each crack (and spread out wide in places where I'd used fibreglass mesh or immediately covered it over with duct tape), and it had also permanently bonded with some of the duct tape. But those are just æsthetic issues; in terms of strength, the bumper is probably stronger than it was. I don't know what kind of plastic is used for outside body panels on a Honda; it seems harder than high density polyethylene (Got HDPE?) but not as brittle as polystyrene. In any case, I know of no glue that sticks to HDPE and few besides solvent welds that stick to polystyrene.

I had a soft deadline for sometime this evening, so I spent the whole day working on the tool I've been developing for my employer. In such work, there is always stuff that gets ignored or put off until the very end, some of which can be a big enough pain to bit you in the ass. For example, I always put off search functionality to the last minute because it never seems to work right no matter what you do, though its behavior can be enough of a mystery that it hardly matters if it works at all. Today, though, I actually built a very good search. Given a search term, it joins a scan result table with a table containing actual searchable strings, and then it compares that search term to every column in that joined table.
I could tell I was working hard because by evening, the icons on my desktop had temporarily "burned in" to one of my LCD monitors, leaving their ghosts on the menubars of windows I dragged across them. It typically takes hours of a constant, uniform display for an LCD to do this, but usually I give my computer enough breaks to thwart any burn-in. Happily, such burn in does not appear to be permanent, though at first I worried it might be.
This evening Gretchen went out to some sort of vegan meet-up for drinks and what not. For my part, I was happy to stay home. Though I consider myself vegan, I do not consider veganism to be the most interesting thing about me. Indeed, it can be a somewhat annoying trait in other people. Consequently, I don't see much value in vegans coming together to socialize, particularly when it's not specifically to eat. I'd much rather hang out with people who identify with some other common trait, such as an interest in a specific musical performer who is to be making an appearance on stage in a nearby village.

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