Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").
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Olympic Blvd. Thursday, July 13 2000
Things that should be used until they are absolutely useless before replacement:shoes - I love thinking about the stories my shoes could tell if only they could talk. The ones I've been wearing for most of my California experience have been a rugged but understated black pair of Vans I bought for six dollars from a thrift store in Hillcrest, San Diego in September of 1998. Recently a tiny patch of yellow foam padding became visible on the rear seam of one of them.reference books - there's nothing more intellectually sexy on a desk than a beat up old dictionary. They're best when the first and last 20 pages are so dog-eared that they must be carefully unfolded before they can be read. keyboards - I love the idea of typing so much text that I wear out my input device. It's easy to do with a modern Gateway 2000 keyboard (ick!), but nearly impossible with clackety old original AT keyboard (yum!). Speaking of Gateway 2000, now that we're here in the year 2000, is there really any use for the gateway? I walked into a Gateway 2000 store on Wilshire and was so icked out by the greasy qualities of the salesforce that I stayed for less than a minute. (Actually, the real reason I left was that I learned Gateway 2000 only sells complete systems, complete with those icky keyboards.) bicycles - After all those miles together, I'm willing to forgive and compensate around any idiosyncrasy that develops.
Rubbery, meaty, greasy, pockmarked, translucent, suddenly unmoving, suddenly not a part of our world.
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